Well its weird to say but in 7 days I will be in Nairobi, Kenya. The past two months have actually been much better than I thought they would be. I though I might get bored moving back in with my parents and just waiting to leave for my trip, but its been really fun. I've kept busy babysitting, seeing old high school friends (who now all live in the city and I'm a bit jealous), volunteering at church, making new friends, remembering how much I like seeing my parents all the time, and preparing for my trip with the Oasis crew. So yes.. babysitting these kiddos Cy, Piper, and Charlotte. Could they be any cuter? I forgot how much fun it is to hang out with kids and also how hilarious they are! Plus they all have great parents that have turned into good friends! Funny thing about being back in the midwest but people my age sometimes have kids so you can hang with cute kids and your friends at the same time :-)
Plus, like I said, seeing old high school friends again and actually getting to hang out for more than short vacation, has been really great. They have all settled into to life in Chicago and are moving on to great things (a few of them are engaged and planning weddings, others have incredible jobs), but most of all I think the best thing is when you realize that even though people change you can all hang out again after years and it feels like not alot of time has passed. You know what I mean?
And being back with my parents has been relaxing and really good prep for my trip. Its nice to see them again and bounce the days activities off of them. Plus, they have this massive dog Kaia (golden doodle that think shes a lap dog even though she weighs a hundred pounds) who has pretty much become my buddy She's ridiculous but super smart and I think I might steal her when I come back.
So the trip..... well its just around the corner (We leave Feb. 18th and come home May 18th). I am getting a little nervous but more just because I have a list of things to do that I havent gotten to yet for before I leave. Everything is going well so far in prep though. We have tickets, places to stay, all the organizations lined up and ready to go, and the support is almost fully raised! I am now just praying for that last $500, but i think it will be just fine. I am so grateful for the generosity people have shown me so far, especially since, in the words of my friend Bette "the streets are tough". I feel so encouraged and supported as I head out for this crazy adventure. I will have internet the whole time I am there (can you say dial-up?) so I will be sure to keep this updated at least once a week. Thank you again for all that are reading this! Its going to be a great trip and I cant wait to share the stories that will come out of being there!